
Mar. Res. 2022/06
Vol.2, Iss.1 :1-8
Reflections on the Development of Taiwan's Coastal Settlements: Seen from the Perspective of Japan's Regional Revitalization 2.0

Kuei-Chao Chang 1*
1 Research Center of Ocean Policy and Culture, National Academy of Marine Research, Taiwan

Abstract: Japan has dedicated itself to revitalizing local development to resolve economic slumps for morethan 25 years, and to implementing regional revitalization aimed at activating local economies anddriving local development with new momentum from the investment of public resources, as well asto further resolving issues of depopulation, an aging society, and imbalance between urban and ruralareas in Japan. Taiwan also has started to implement regional revitalization policies, and we alsoexpect to apply the capacities, resources, and experience accumulated from community developmentsince 1994, to develop a robust foundation for Taiwan's regional revitalization. Facing the challengesin Japan of development of regional revitalization, the Nomura Research Institute (NRI) proposedRegional Revitalization 2.0 to address the national crisis triggered by long-time metropolitan-regionalinterdependency. The NRI proposed two regional economic revitalization concepts: a "regionaleconomic hub" and an "extensive metropolitan region", hoping to revert the magnetic effect andachieve the goal of a population of over 100 million in 2060 as well as ongoing economic growth. Incontrast, we should further understand the steps and approaches to implement Taiwan's RegionalRevitalization 1.0. Therefore, the study attempted to plan the development step of coastal settlementsthat accord with Taiwan's features, and then, based on our research project on the interdisciplinaryresearch of ocean culture and regional development model (IROCRD), we obtained the status ofTaiwan' coastal settlements, made reference to the Japanese model, as well as applied the concept oflearning by doing to induce three steps. In practice, this study further proposed three tasks to connect" the three steps" and emphasized the engagement of stakeholders in the three tasks to build consensuson cooperation. Consequently, we attempted to reach consensus, integrate, and fully use regionalresources accumulated over the years to progressively shape the individual self-supporting andcooperation model via the process of implementing regional revitalization.

Keywords:  coastal settlements, regional revitalization, sustainability, approaches.

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*Corresponding author; e-mail: kcchang0109@namr.gov.tw
© 2022  Marine Research , ISSN 2709-6629 

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