
Mar. Res. 2023/06
Vol.3. Iss.1 :52-80
Development of In-Captivity Breeding and Larval Rearing Technology for Coral Reef Fish in Taiwan

Ming-Yih Leu 1,2,3
1 Department of Biology, National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium, Pingtung County, Taiwan
2 Graduate Institute of Marine Biology, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien County, Taiwan
3 Department of Marine Biotechnology and Resources, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Abstract: Coral reef fish populations are declining both in Taiwan and around the world due to the impacts of long-term overfishing and recent climate change. To overcome these issues, in-captivity breeding of coral reef fish can provide an alternative method for the conservation of wild coral reef fish populations. A total of 43 species of coral reef fish have been captive-bred for education, research, and exhibition purposes in Taiwan. This achievement can be attributed to: (1) successful broodstock management, including broodstock collection and cultivation, maturation and spawning, and egg collection and incubation; (2) establishment of live feed preparation techniques for larval feeding; and (3) complete larval rearing using green-water and inorganic fertilization methods. Taiwan's progress in captive breeding and larviculture techniques for coral reef fish species has led to significant breakthroughs in the captive breeding of various marine food/ornamental fish. These achievements have not only contributed to the sustainability of the marine aquarium trade, but also enhanced our understanding of the reproductive biology and ecology of these fascinating species. This study intends to offer a comprehensive review on the achievements of coral reef fish breeding and larval rearing and provide relevant bibliographic resources. It is also hoped that the technical details provided here can assist those who are interested in the conservation of coral reef fish through in-captivity breeding and larval rearing efforts.

Keywords:  Coral reef fish, natural spawning, larviculture, ornamental fish trade.

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*Corresponding author; e-mail: myl@nmmba.gov.tw
© 2023  Marine Research , ISSN 2709-6629 

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