
Mar. Res. 2023/12
Vol.3. Iss.2 :36-47
Introduction of Blue Carbon Management

Stefanny Rebeca Alvarado 1 and Hsiao-Chun Tseng 1
1 Institute of Marine Environment and Ecology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung City, Taiwan

Abstract: Climate change presents one of the most pressing global challenges, impacting diverse life forms across the planet. As anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, it becomes increasingly urgent to explore effective strategies to mitigate climate change's adverse effects. Among these strategies, carbon sequestration plays a crucial role, particularly in coastal and marine ecosystems that can capture and store substantial amounts of carbon. Carbon sequestration encompasses three primary categories: carbon capture and storage (CCS), carbon capture and utilization (CCU), and carbon dioxide removal (CDR). The range of CDR includes technological and natural methods. In this study, we mainly focus on natural strategies, which address environmental challenges and promote sustainable development under the term "nature-based solutions," wherein the concept of "blue carbon" is situated. Blue carbon specifically refers to coastal and marine ecosystems, particularly mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrasses. The study and management of blue carbon ecosystems are imperative due to their exceptional capacity to sequester carbon dioxide, thereby offering a substantial means to mitigate climate change. Understanding and effectively stewarding these ecosystems hold the potential to not only curtail greenhouse gas concentrations, but also preserve biodiversity, bolster coastal resilience, and foster sustainable development. This study proposes a conceptual framework to encourage the development of schemes focused on managing blue carbon sequestration in order to mitigate climate change. This process takes into consideration various measures, including environmental education, research and technology, economy, law and regulation, and regional and international cooperation.

Keywords:  Carbon sequestration, climate change, carbon adaptation.

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*Corresponding author; e-mail: hctseng@email.ntou.edu.tw
© 2023  Marine Research , ISSN 2709-6629 

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