No. | Title |
1 |
Reflections on the Development of Taiwan's Coastal Settlements: Seen from the Perspective of Japan's Regional Revitalization 2.0
Kuei-Chao Chang
Vol.2, Iss.1 294 Views 58 Downloads
2 |
Development of Recognition Technology for the Shoreline Extraction of Waisanding Sandbar in Satellite Images
Hsien-Kuo Chang, Wei-Wei Chen, Jin-Cheng Liou, Yung-Fang Chiu, Wen-Chang Yang and Meng-Syue Li
Vol.2, Iss.1 231 Views 53 Downloads
3 |
Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Cable Used For Floating Offshore Substation
Yu-Chi Hung, Hung-Jie Tang, Chuan-Tsang Lee, Wai Wa Ng and Ray-Yeng Yang
Vol.2, Iss.1 255 Views 63 Downloads
4 |
Establishment of Computational Thinking in the Interdisciplinary Education of Offshore Foundation Engineering
Chao-Ming Chi, Zheng-Shan Lin, Zhao-Sheng Xiao and Pu-Yuan Huang
Vol.2, Iss.1 189 Views 29 Downloads
5 |
A Review of Species of the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Genus Ctenogobius (Gobiiformes: Oxudercidae)
Frank L. Pezold
Vol.2, Iss.1 563 Views 202 Downloads