Analysis on the development trend of international floating offshore wind technology industrialization
Ray-Yeng Yang 1*, Chung-Chun Hsu 2, Yun-Lu Ma 3 and Chun-To Tso 4
1 Associate Professor, Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, National Cheng Kung University 2 Associate Research Fellow, Research Division I, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research 3 Assistant Research Fellow, Research Division I, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research 4 Research Fellow, Research Division I, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research
Offshore wind power has become an essential option for the development of the novel renewable energy since the onshore wind market has reached its saturation point. In the past, the development of offshore wind power is mainly located in Europe, and the fixed-bottom offshore wind industry has developed a mature business model. However, due to the limitation of the weight of the base structure, the conventional fixed offshore wind lacks economic benefits and can only be developed in the offshore area. Many regions with high wind speed and stable wind direction are located in the sea area further away from the shore. Therefore, many countries have begun to bring in floating platform technology into offshore wind power development, so as to make more effective use of offshore wind energy resources and create higher economic efficiency. This study collected the development policy measures, industrial technology development status and the development bottleneck of floating offshore wind power internationally. As for the development trend of the commercial operation techniques, this paper puts forward the planning and implementation status of major international demonstration plans, and analyzes the latest development trends such as its technical advantages and disadvantages and commercialization schedule, so as to accelerate the promotion of Taiwan’s floating offshore wind power by drawing on international experience.
Keywords: Floating offshore wind power, floating offshore wind industrial policy, floating offshore wind commercial operation .
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*Corresponding author; e-mail: ryyang@mail.ncku.edu.tw
Marine Research , ISSN 2709-6629
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