The Social and Ecological Implications of the Sea Ritual among the 'Amis People on the East Coast of Taiwan
Futuru C.L. Tsai 1*
1 Associate Professor, Department of Public and Cultural Affairs, National Taitung University
The sea ritual represents the relationship between the ‘Amis people and the sea, which includes the entanglements among social, cultural and ecological knowledge therein. This essay explores the implications of the sea riotuals among four ‘Amis indigenous communities, including Makota’ay, Torik, A'tolan, and Falangaw. The correlation between the ‘Amis people in the coastal area and the sea more than simply indicates the ‘Amis people’s belief of the maritime cosmic view. The belief actually implies that the ‘Amis people in the coastal area regard the ocean and land as a whole, and rely on the ecological and environmental knowledge system for subsistence also has the function of confirming the gender and ethical social relationship of the ‘Amis community, forming a complex marine knowledge system integrating cultural, social and ecological aspects.
Keywords: Amis, Sea ritual, near-shore marine ecology, marine culture, age organization
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*Corresponding author; e-mail: futuru.tsai@gmail.com
Marine Research , ISSN 2709-6629
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